Between March 7 and March 13, 2010, Smashwords and other E-Publishers are running a Read an E-Book Week promotion. The plan is to convince everyone on Earth to read at least one e-book that week. It is a pretty ambitious plan.
I suggest my own book, You Could Call It a Christmas Story, because, despite the long title, it is really a short story and you can renew your Christmas spirit and do your e-book part very quickly and very free. (Note the Coupon Code is RFREE.)
Smashwords is the great e-publishing outfit that I use to offer my books in all the major e-book formats used on Kindle, iPhone, Sony, Nook and most others, including anything running a browser. That is a wonderful thing, since doing it myself proved even more time-consuming than blog writing.
The Smashwords name itself is a play on their clever program that, for example, takes one of my books and smashes the all my carefully wrought formatting out of it and renders the words in various e-book schemes. The software doesn't put the words into random order, but it might help.
At Smashwords, you will have to register, but it is painless worth it, because you will, eventually, have an e-book reader of some sort if only your cell phone or media player. Fight it all you want, you still will. A generous guy knew I wanted an e-reader so he gave me his Kindle. And I love it.
Do not, however, read Joseph Conrad on any e-reading device without some Scotch handy. A lot of it
Anyway, with the hefty 100% discount, my books, like my Christmas story, are free for this week. Click on this Loiseau Development Link to head off to my own site for more info and individual book links.
What more could you ask for? For this Read an E-Book Week, all my book are cheaper than a Camry if not as fast.
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