Sucker for Sunsets

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Idaho Secedes from Union

Not totally, but where it hurts.  Idaho loudly enacted a statute that ensures that its militia-crazed citizens will be forever free from Federal attempts to ram healthcare down their raw throats.  The Gem-State citizenry shall not be made to pay fines or suffer threats of penalties.

Wow.  TBO and his Near-Socialist faction in Congress are in for it now.  No point in passing what they, behind closed Democrat doors, call "The Limbaugh Memorial Costa Rican Healthcare Act."

Those folks in Idaho won't go for it and they have their whole big state behind them.  True, Idaho only has a million and a half people in it, but there may be twenty million guns, many from Memphis, Tennessee.  Those are no-nonsense people who named their State Trout the "Cutthroat".  And where your state has an aviary, Idaho has the World Center for Birds of Prey.

And Idaho-born Sarah Palin got some sort of degree there.

No.  Idaho.

Let those Democrats pass a hundred the Healthcare threats and mandates they want.  Idaho will remain a free state and maybe hoard its potatoes, trout and lentils, the production of which tops all other states.  TBO could send his troops to surround Idaho, if he ever gets them back from Muslim territory, but Idaho will eat damned well, thank you all very much.

When, if, they get sick, Idahoans can choose their own healthcare without bureaucratic intervention.  Militia medics are always around to treat their fellow Idahoans, even while holding off the Federal siege.  It may be rough, frontier medicine, but it will keep Idahoans free.

Sure it might hurt more than in Manhattan, but here, just bite down on this piece of rawhide.

And, one last thing, Mr. Hawaii, does your sissy, lei-about island paradise even have a State Raptor?

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