How did the Israelis' Proximates take it?
It's important, but we'll get to that.
First, the Israelis' Proximates (Palestinian Arabs) were not wild about this expansion in their hood. Some brave Proximates shot off a rocket from their Gazan hiding place into Netiv Ha'asara, part of what most of the world agrees is Israeli territory. According to MSNC, Ansar al-Sunna, a group so radical that they think Hamas are pussies, claimed credit. They seemed like they were proud of themselves for killing some migrant worker, a guy who migrated all the way from Thailand of all places looking for work.
They couldn't even hit any Israelis. Maybe they can't see half as far as Sarah Palin in a fog.
Diplomatically--a term alien to Hamas--the timing was not great. Europe bigwig, Lady Catherine Ashton, a real British Baroness, had just hopped into Gaza an hour earlier. How embarrassing is that? And this all happened a day before the International Strings-Attached Quartet was to prattle it up in Moscow about the Israeli-Palestinian troubles.
Was it only a week ago, that Joe Biden was in Israeli getting his ass handed to him by Bibi's home-building government? It would almost be quaint now, except Bibi wouldn't call Hillary Clinton to explain himself the way Bill used to.
Everyone's all riled up. Tensions are shooting blood pressures and oil futures off the charts.
Now, Proximania. Because the various parties to the Mid East crisis are now calling semi-peace talks that probably won't happen "Proximity" talks, this blog hereby coins a new name for the area: Proximania.
Screw this Palestine moniker. It doesn't mean anything but it gets everyone all exercised. It derives from Philistine, referring to a bunch of Greek interlopers who moved into the area like Israeli's into East Jerusalem. Let's ditch the designation altogether.
The entire area will henceforth (diplomatic for "from now on") be called Proximania as it once was called Palestine. Proximania connotes people living side by side, but not really touching, kind of like Ned the Pie Maker and his irresistibly touchable lady-love Chuck in "Pushing Daisies
Arabs over there can continue to call themselves Palestinians all they want, now, because the term doesn't really have much impact in Proximania. No one will care who is or is not descended from the Philistines and whether they were from Atlantis or not.
Israelis and Palestinians can call each other "Proximate". Or "Proximatey" if they are Sea People. An abbreviation to "mate" is a natural. And it all sounds so like a bunch of friendly sunburned Aussies that they will probably stop testing their proximateness with rockets and tank rounds.
Israel could change its name, if it was smart, to something like The United Jews-Only States of Proximania. The Palestinians could name their state The Hamasish Caliphate of Proximania. Neither rolls off the tongue, but have you heard those languages over there?
As you can see, this is all very well thought out by someone who spent three hours either in a governmental office waiting for service or by a silent Skype phone waiting impatiently for Bibi to call.
March 19th shall be set aside as "Proximania Day"(tm), if only because two days were needed to clean up after St. Patrick. By next March 19th, there should be plenty of Proximania Day emblazoned T-shirts, coffee mugs and AK-47's for everyone.
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