Or you, either, if you're smart (but not too smart).
Not after what I read yesterday on the Wall Street Journal site. Normally, you would only want one of their guys to write an editorial for your birdcage, but not this time. Reporter Scott Patterson outs the Geeks in his book "The Quants" and published an article
Maybe that "Quants" designation is short for Quantum Theorists but it basically means "Geeks".
You think the world is topsy turvy now? Then it was turvy topsy before it became the current tospsy turvy. Wall Street used to run by investment bankers, security lawyers and people so rich they owned the bankers and lawyers. Somewhere along the line, it appears, the Geeks took over. It took a while, as they gradually crafted all the programs that controlled buying, selling and inflating stocks. Pretty soon, the Geeks had their own investment vehicles and, no, not mint '57 Chevy's. And those Geeks drove their fancy vehicles right into the East River in late 2007, faster than a recalled Camry.
Which is fine, except they dragged the rest of us pedestrian investor types with them.
Time was, you wanted your precious daughters to marry doctors, quarterbacks, even security lawyers. Now, you'd jump at an assistant manager of the Geek Squad or a master of Grand Theft Auto. Geeks have their own TV shows, too. On the one I watch, "Chuck", the head geek is at least as spy, too. The geek on "Numbers" is practically FBI. But along comes "The Big Bang Theory", raising geeks who are just geeks to near-Emmy status.
And we loved all the damned geeks. Me, too.
Not any more, pal.
The geeks are the ones who modeled harmless mortgage-backed securities into the derivatives that even Greenspan didn't understand. And they created a virtual stock market that acted so much like the real thing, they thought it was the real thing. Only, they weren't smart enough to program their own panic into their algorithms. Thanks to them, your 401K is worth less than a truckload of wet Chinese drywall.
So lock up your daughters--and maybe your wife, for that matter--when the next nerd comes over to reboot your WiFi-n router or make your Bluetooth mouse actually point at something. Do not let your kids watch "Big Bang Theory". No more video games like Resident Evil 5 or Guitar Heroes, Beatles or not. Get them "War and Peace" or a catcher's mitt.
I'm not saying geeks are evil or not funny, but if one lives next door, quietly report him to TIDE or the local neighbor watch, at least. Remember, it's your daughters we're talking about.
I do not get the Madden, etc thing? Can I send it to the newspaper>
ReplyDeleteGood point about "Madden NFL". I changed that to "Resident Evil 5", which is geekier.
ReplyDeleteDon't send anything from the blog to a newspaper... unless they pay me One Million Nano-dollars!