Sucker for Sunsets

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cats Save South Naples; Vermin Not So Much

al Jazzera (or maybe it was CBS) is reporting that cats are fighting global warming by killing virtually anything that emits under twelve milligrams per year of vile carbon dioxide.

Hey it adds up. Like, fast.

This is a great service, for which cats get as little credit as they do for saving the newspaper.

Billions of bird and tens of billions of mice and other critters that make you jump on a chair are gone. Those little bastards would other wise exhale greenhouse gasses in the combined mega-tons, melt all of Greenland and flood South Naples are dispatched with barely a damp whisker.

Where's their movie?

And, yeah, eat your vole-like heart out, al Gore.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Datesh,
    Having lived and developed in Naples with The Ronto Group, I can attest to the murderous intent of our rescued kitten from a Golf and Country Club community there. She was without question(in her mind)a killer of extraordinary proportions and should have received the Al Gore award for "Most Covetous Person" of other peoples' thoughts and ideas, an award he so often and so generously refused to accept.
    Speaking of Al, there have been so many divorces in the Gore family recently that I've been sadly exhaling more carbon dioxide than usual and unfortunately may qualify for his upcoming Global Cooling Euthanasia and Cremation program, a free service that comes complete with a new Death Tax that rather generously moves all your assets over to the Government during your 'heated' transfer from carbon rich to relatively carbon free at your local Crematorium.
    P.S. In her day our beloved cat often applied a devastatingly orchestrated mew that could melt both polar ice caps. Perhaps Al was wrong about global warming all along!
    My best to you.
    Ken Torrens
